Archive for August, 2007

Charles V. Carr :The God Father of Black American Politicians

August 4, 2007

By John Bustamante, former Chairman, First Bank

First published March 1982 in , A Salute to Charles V. Carr: Highlights involving the life story of a great man.

Charles V. Carr was not only a legend in Cleveland— he is a man for all seasons.  While his political accomplishments, public services, his early stance as defender of human civil rights are well known–there is another Charles V. Carr that many of the young people do not know and it may have slipped the memory of some of others.

I was Chairman of First Bank and am particularly proud of  Charles Carr as a pioneer in the field of economics.  I became a student of his philosophy after realizing some of his immeasurable achievements.   He blazed the trail for Blacks in establishing a savings and loan association an insurance company a credit union and several businesses. I salute him for his knowledge and power of persuasion in bringing Blacks together and holding them together.

John Bustamante